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Mollenhauer Modern Soprano

Mollenhauer Modern Soprano
Mollenhauer's Modern recorders, developed with Nikolaj Tarasov and Joachim Paetzold, are intended to address the demands of contemporary recorder literature. Its extended bore produces a complex, powerful tone, strong and full in the bottom register, and clear and responsive in the extreme upper range. Its wide bore design gives it a range of over 2 1/2 octaves, without stopping the bell with the knee. The Modern Soprano is made with a b-foot (b',c'',c#'' keys).
Recorders purchased from the von Huene Workshop are thoroughly examined & approved before shipping. We seal the head joints of olive, rosewood, and grenadilla instruments in our shop to protect against cracking. We offer a full 2-year warranty on all NEW instruments, including a free revoicing by our skilled staff.